Over the weekend, New Zealand roundly voted for a change of Government.
Property Council New Zealand remains apolitical in our mission to help shape cities where communities thrive. Our advocacy priorities are set by our annual member survey, regional committees, Advisory and National Boards.
Once negotiations are complete and portfolios announced, Property Council will be reaching out to congratulate new Ministers and MPs. We aim to hold a number of meetings, hosting MPs to discuss topics from commercial and industrial depreciation through to housing and the planning system.
Recent submissions
Submission to Tauranga City Council on Civic Precinct IFF levy consultation
Submission on Funding Auckland’s Storm Recovery and Resilience
Submission on the Draft Government Policy Statement – Land Transport
Submission on MBIE’s Options Paper: Review of the Building Consent System
Submission to Auckland Council on the Future Development Strategy
Submission to Tauranga City Council on Climate Action and Investment Plan.
- Submission to MBIE on the Building Levy Review – Discussion Paper
Author | Katherine Wilson
As Property Council’s Head of Advocacy, Katherine is tasked with leading our advocacy campaigns at both a regional and national level.
Level-headed and engaging, Katherine has both a law degree from Otago University and an arts degree (majoring in politics) from Auckland University. With solid experience as a policy analyst and advisor in Wellington and Auckland, she has extensive networks and solid analytical skills.
Katherine is hugely dedicated, highly intelligent and committed to ensuring the voice of our members is heard at all levels of governance. She’s also relentlessly positive and enjoys a good chat.