On 21 July 2023, Property Council submitted on the Draft Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan.
Why it matters to our members
Christchurch City Council is part of the Whakawhanake Kāinga Komiti (Urban Growth Partnership for Greater Christchurch). The draft plan provides a blueprint for how the Council will accommodate future population and business growth in the sub-region.
Our view
While we supported aspects of the plan, we felt that more investigation needs to be undertaken to ensure that the introduction of Mass Rapid Transit is the most appropriate for wider Christchurch. Furthermore, early engagement with the private sector is critical so that businesses along the Mass Rapid Transit route are not negatively impacted by future road changes.
Overall, we recommended that the Greater Christchurch Partnership:
- Undertake a cost-benefit-analysis of Mass Rapid Transit (“MRT”), buses and rail to determine what public transport approach (or approaches) is best for Christchurch;
- Provide more information regarding street designs along the MRT route; and
- Engage with the private sector (especially with those who own property and operate businesses along the route) before implementing any proposed road changes.