Transform the
planning system
New Zealand’s prosperity is being held back by a slow, and overcomplicated system.
We need Central and Local Government to better plan for and respond to population growth, housing supply and affordability, and the infrastructure to support growing and new communities.
It is important for all New Zealanders that our planning system operates effectively to unlock development and infrastructure in the right place at the right time. Discussions and decisions on the funding and financing of future infrastructure will be critical to this. Resolving these challenges will only be successful in partnership with the development and infrastructure sectors.
We wish to see a more a holistic approach to planning which is focused on outcomes. This would require decisions on priority of resources and environmental limits to be made at the national level with cross-partisan support.
Topics include:
- Resource management system reform
- National direction and plans
- Regional planning to occur with development and infrastructure sectors to ensure outcomes can be achieved.
- Mandate discussions on funding and financing of infrastructure at a national level with decisions made at a regional level.
- Decisions on priority of resources and environmental limits should be decided at the national level with cross-partisan support.
Member taskforce
The Resource Management System Taskforce aims to provide input into legislative changes or reforms to the resource management system that affect the property sector.
Property Council is honoured to work with members from across the property spectrum on this important issue, including:
- Anthea Coombes, Glaister Ennor
- Anton Shead, Goodman
- Bevan Houlbrooke, CKL NZ
- Daniel Minhinnick, Russell McVeagh
- Daniel Shao, Woolworths
- Dasha Kovalenko, Shieff Angland
- Dave Moule, Boffa Miskell
- Jennifer Caldwell, Buddle Findlay
- Jonathan Manns, JLL
- Neil Donnelly, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whai Rawa Ltd
- Nick Roberts, Barker & Associates
- Olga Druzhinina, Development Advisory Services Limited
- Pat Gavaghan, Hugh Green Group
- Rachel Morgan, Barker and Associates
- Ryan Geddes, Savills
- Sam Law, Woods
- Sarah Tuohy, Foodstuffs
- Thomas Gibbons, Thomas Gibbons Law
For further information or to get involved, contact:
Sandamali Ambepitiya
Senior Advocacy Advisor