Property Council submission on MBIE’s Options Paper: Review of the Building Consent System

On 10 August 2023, Property Council submitted to MBIE on its Options Paper: Review of the Building Consent System.

Why this matters to our members

Our members shape New Zealand’s cities and regions. One of the biggest hurdles to development is the current building consenting system in which Councils/Building Consent Authorities (BCA’s) are liable for much of the risk associated with the design and construction of a building. This has created caution during the consenting process, slowing down the system and inhibiting innovation in design and product use.

Our view

While we were pleased to see a number of options presented by MBIE to fix the current consenting system, Property Council believes that there are still concerns that need to be addressed. This includes capping BCA liability to 20 per cent to assist BCAs to take a more risk-based approach, introducing alternative appeal avenues for consent applications and a publicly provided insurance scheme.

Read the full submission

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