The Advocacy Team have been working on some hefty topics this month, including:
National Climate Change Adaptation Plan Consultation
The Ministry for the Environment released its draft National Adaptation Plan last week. This draft is the first step in helping New Zealand minimise damage from any impacts of climate change and outlines the actions the government will take over the next six years to respond to climate-related risks. Following feedback from the public consultation, the National Adaptation Plan is expected to be published in August 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact Advocacy Advisor Sandamali Gunawardena.
Wellington City Council’s Draft Annual Plan 2022/23
Wellington City Council propose increasing rates differentials from 3.25 to 3.7 in their Draft Annual Plan 2022/23. This means that for every $1 a resident pays, the commercial sector will pay $3.70 – the highest rating differential in the country. Wellington City Council also have the highest proportional split of commercial to residential, with commercial businesses paying 44% and residents paying 56%. To put this in perspective, Auckland Council’s current split is 31.33% commercial, 68.67% residential but they are seeking to reduce this to 25% over a number of years.
We have concerns as to the significant proportion of rates the commercial property sector pays in Wellington, and want to see business-friendly investment into the CBD and surrounding suburbs.
To have your views heard within our submission, please contact Sandamali Gunawardena, Advocacy Advisor.
Modern Slavery and Worker Exploitation
The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment are seeking feedback on new legislation that will create new responsibilities for larger organisations. In particular, large businesses (>$50m) will be required to undertake due diligence of supply chains, operations and to address modern slavery and worker exploitation both in New Zealand and internationally. Medium businesses ($20-50m) and large organisations will have to complete disclosure statements and all organisations will be required to take action if exploitation is found.
Christchurch City Council Housing and Business Choice Plan Change
Christchurch City Council in response of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development and recent Resource Management (Housing Supply) Act has released proposed changes to its District Plan. The proposed changes renames a number of commercial and residential zones within Christchurch to enable intensification and density. For example, the city centre zone will have unlimited height, high density zones will enable 32 metres (10 storeys), town centres will enable 20 metres (six storeys) and local centre (large) and medium density zone precinct will enable 14 metres (four storeys).
Learn more on the Council website here.
To have your views heard within our submission, please contact Katherine Wilson.
Auckland Council’s response to the NPS-UD
Property Council is currently preparing our submission to Auckland Council on their proposed approach to implementing both the NPS-UD and the recent amendment to the RMA. These proposals will shape the future of development in Auckland and will be of keen interest to the property sector.
Please contact Logan Rainey to be part of this workstream.
This month’s submissions
April was a hive of advocacy activity, with submissions as follows:
- Tauranga City Council draft Development Contributions Policy
- Tauranga City Council draft Long Term Plan Amendment and Annual Plan
- Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Revenue and Financing Policy
- Wellington City Council’s Draft Economic Wellbeing Strategy
- Queenstown Lakes District Council’s Draft Annual Plan
- Christchurch City Council’s Draft Annual Plan
- Hamilton City Council Draft Development Contribution Policy Update
- Auckland Council’s Draft Annual Budget