On 28 March 2022, Property Council submitted our written submission to Auckland Council on their Draft Annual Budget 2022-2023.
Why it matters to our members
Property Council believes in the creation and retention of a well-designed, functional, and sustainable built environment. The Draft Annual Budget 2022-2023 outlines the direction of Auckland Council for the next twelve months and will influence outcomes across Auckland. It is important that the voice of the property sector is heard at the decision-making table.
Our View
Property Council’s submission, in broad terms, supported the direction of the Draft Annual Budget 2022-2023 and noted a range of recommendations to influence better outcomes:
- We welcomed the proposed investment in Auckland’s public transport system and urban ngahere (tree cover). We recommended that Auckland Council pursue an Order in Council to use unspent funds from the regional fuel tax to partly fund the proposed climate and transport investment, to reduce the required size of ratepayer contribution to the proposed targeted rate. We supported the remaining funds being raised through a dedicated and ringfenced targeted rate. We also recommended planning for the impact of increased electrification on the electrical grid.
- We recommended that Auckland Council explore ways to reduce ongoing resource consenting delays.
- We urged Auckland Council to take a leadership role in encouraging people to return to the CBD.
- We recommended that Auckland Council actively consider how this Annual Budget aligns with the work of central government, with a view towards the importance of strong alignment between local and central government.