On April 26, Property Council submitted to Tauranga City Council on their draft Development Contribution Policy 2022.
Why this matters to our members
Property Council advocates for the creation and retention of a well-designed, functional and sustainable built environment. The draft Development Contribution Policy 2022 will shape future development across Tauranga. We firmly believe that it is important that the voice of the property sector is heard at the decision-making table.
Our view
Our submission supported elements of the draft Development Contribution Policy. However, we were deeply concerned about the proposal to increase city-wide development contributions, for the purpose of funding community infrastructure. We have consistently opposed the use of city-wide development contributions to fund community infrastructure and have recommended the use of alternative funding models.
Overall, we recommended that Tauranga City Council:
- Not adopt the proposed 15% increase in city-wide development contributions;
- Discontinue the use of city-wide development contributions to fund community infrastructure; and
- Make use of alternative funding models for investment in community infrastructure.
Overall, we are in favour of:
- The proposed approach to local development contributions; and
- The proposed changes to Section 2 of the Development Contribution Policy.