Advocacy in Action: June 2022

As we hit the middle of 2022, the Advocacy Team has also hit our stride, consulting, drafting and campaigning on 22 submissions in just five months.

We owe a debt of gratitude to our community of members, who have worked alongside our team of four to debate and deliver comprehensive, solution focused submissions across the country.

Of note this month is:

Modern slavery and exploitation legislation

The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment are seeking feedback on new legislation that will create new responsibilities for larger organisations. In particular, large businesses (>$50m) will be required to undertake due diligence of supply chains, operations and to address modern slavery and worker exploitation both in New Zealand and internationally. Medium businesses ($20-50m) and large organisations will have to complete disclosure statements and all organisations will be required to take action if exploitation is found.

Property Council’s submission will support the intention of the legislation. We also recognise that similar requirements will be required for doing business internationally. Therefore, we recommend that the proposed legislation is amended to better align with Australian regulations. Namely, that larger entities are not required to complete due diligence for international supply chains but recommend a phased approach to ensure that large entities can be brought along for the compliance journey. Our recommendation also helps aid large entities that undertake business both in Australia and New Zealand so that consistent reporting can occur.

Please contact Katherine Wilson should you have any questions.

Property Council’s submission is due on 7 June 2022. 

Proposed extension of the transition period for insulation settings for new housing

In November 2022, there will be changes to insulation requirements, aimed at reducing the energy needed for heating for residential homes by up to 40%. These changes are part of MBIE’s Building for Climate Change programme which will deliver warmer, drier and healthier homes that costs significantly less to heat as well as reduce the amount of carbon emitted through energy efficiency.

However, concerns have arisen as to the timing of these changes. With the sector already facing supply chain issues and record high inflation, MBIE has proposed a six month delay with the proposed transition period to last until 1 May 2023. Property Council is looking to support the proposed delay, to help allow the sector more time to adjust to the new requirements and prioritise current housing challenges it is facing.

If you have any questions or feedback on this topic, please contact Sandamali Gunawardena.

Consultation closes on 13 June 2022.

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