Catch up on the key updates from Property Council’s advocacy team, including:
Development Contributions in Drury
Late last year, Property Council’s Advocacy team presented to Auckland’s Mayor and Councillors, in opposition to the proposed changes to development contributions in Drury.
Auckland Council is currently looking to introduce an increase in average development contributions in Drury of over 268%. This brings the current development contribution average from $22,564 to $83,251. Controversially, development contributions will be used for a range of infrastructure projects that could be delivered over a 30-year period but financed today, creating uncertainty as to what the cost of infrastructure is in the long-term.
Whatever happens in Drury will set a significant precedent for the property sector, not just across Auckland but also nationwide. Property Council does not support the proposed 30-year timeframe for collecting development contributions, instead we support the idea of a 30-year plan which can be funded in successive increments to better reflect actual costs. As part of our presentation, we outlined our proposed alternative funding solutions to Auckland Council.
For further information on our work in this space, please contact Logan Rainey.
Future of Local Government Review
Consultation is currently open on the draft report from the Review into the Future for Local Government, with submissions due on February 28. This review was commissioned by the Government to address long standing concerns regarding the effectiveness and future of New Zealand’s local government sector. The Review’s draft report can be accessed here. Given the clear importance of local government to the property sector, Property Council will be submitting to the review panel.
For further information on our submission, please contact Logan Rainey.
Resource Management System - Draft submissions open for feedback
The Government released the Natural Built Environment Bill and Spatial Planning Bill in December 2022. Property Council met with our Resource Reform Member Taskforce before Christmas, to help form our position on the two Bills. While we welcome the intent behind the Bills, we do believe that more work needs to be done in order fully reform the system and enable more development.
Natural and Built Environment Bill
We are pleased to see that the Bill has incorporated development into its purpose section, as this was missing within the Inquiry into the Natural and Built Environment Bill in August 2021. However, we oppose the legislative intent to only have central government, local government and iwi representatives on regional planning committees, which develop and make decisions on regional spatial strategies and NBE plans. As the private sector is expected to implement future development and infrastructure to support growth, it is critical to have a private sector voice on the committee.
Spatial Planning Bill
Property Council supports the Government’s proposed action to reduce the number of plans from 100 to 15 and introduce Spatial Plans which seeks to plan for 30 plus years. However, we are concerned that there is a lack of detail around the governance structure of Regional Spatial Strategies as well as a lack of clarity around how local councils intend to implement the new planning regime and finance or fund infrastructure in future plans.
Overall, we will be recommending that the Government provide greater clarification to both Bills, to ensure that the new resource management system will create better and fairer outcomes for all. To read our draft submissions in further detail or if you would like to provide any feedback, please email Sandamali. Submissions are due 5 February 2023.
Recent submissions
- Submission to Hamilton City Council on the draft Urban Growth Strategy
- Submission to Auckland Council on Development Contributions Policy Update – Drury
- Submission on the Taxation (Annual Rates for 2022-23, Platform Economy, and Remedial Matters) Bill (No 2)
- Submission on Te Kaha surrounding streets consultation
- Submission on Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Levy) Amendment Bill
- Submission to Auckland Council on Plan Change 79
- Submission to Auckland Council on Plan Change 78
- Submission to Hamilton City Council on Plan Change 12

Sandamali Gunawardena
Sandamali arrived at Property Council with a Bachelor of Arts and Law, and experience as an advisor with the Employers & Manufacturers Association.
Conscientious and detailed, Sandamali leads our advocacy in the South Island and Wellington regions. She is also leading our work on the reform of the resource management and building systems and sustainability / seismic strengthening.
An excellent listener, Sandamali is in her element when facilitating stakeholders and members to develop our advocacy positions.

Logan Rainey
Fresh from a Bachelor of Arts majoring in economics and politics, Logan joined us in early 2022 as he studied towards his Master of Public Policy at the University of Auckland.
Highly personable and enthusiastic, Logan is particularly good at keeping his cool under pressure and articulating our advocacy position in plain English.
A welcome addition to the team, Logan looks forward to getting to know our members over the coming months.