Advocacy in Action | October 2024

Auckland Council’s Proposed Development Contributions Policy 2025

The consultation on Auckland Council’s Proposed Development Contributions (DC) Policy 2025 has been released. The consultation runs from Monday 30 September and closes on Midday on Friday 15 November 2024. This policy sets out the Council’s plans to deliver infrastructure to investment priority areas (IPAs) over 30 years, and the contribution developers are expected to pay. The Council’s full consultation documents can be downloaded here.

Next steps, how Property Council are responding:

We are working on a range of advocacy actions. A key part of this is a survey which will help evidence our written and oral submission on Auckland Council’s proposed DC Policy. Property Council strongly encourage you to complete this survey.

The survey will close on Monday 21 October 5pm.

It only takes around seven minutes to complete, and all responses will be treated as confidential. So, we can represent your collective voice in this important consultation, we again urge you to complete this survey and thank you for your valued contributions.

If you have any questions or want to share additional information to help shape our submission, please contact Terry Jones. 

Submission on proposals for regulations for natural hazard information in LIMs

Property Council are responding to a consultation on proposals for regulations for natural hazard information in land information memoranda (“LIMs”). The response deadline is 28 October 2024.

If you would like to get involved in shaping our submission, please contact Terry Jones.

First decisions for Christchurch City’s Plan Change 14

Christchurch City Council has made its first decisions to accept some aspects of the Independent Hearings Panel’s (IHP) recommendations on the Housing and Business Choice Plan Change – Plan Change 14 (PC14). One of the key decisions means that, within the central city, buildings less than 28 metres no longer need resource consent from the Council. 

Council staff are currently working through several clarifications with the IHP ahead of the Council being scheduled to make more substantive decisions on Plan Change 14 by 4 December.

To find out what other decisions have made so far, please click here.

Property Council will be following this closely and will keep our members updated as we find out more.  

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