Advocacy in Action | June 2023

What’s in the pipeline? 

From Tauranga City Council’s Climate Action Plan through to the Ministry for Business Innovation and Employment engaging on options and pathways to reform the building consent system – the advocacy team have a lot of consultations in the coming months.

Call for Nominations – Auckland Urban Design Panel

Today, Property Council is calling for nominations for members to represent the property sector on Auckland’s Urban Design Panel.

Property Council has six representatives on Auckland Council’s Urban Design Panel. This is an independent advisory body that provides design reviews of significant projects across the Auckland region. We are looking for a number of individual representatives, ideally with a background in development.  

For further information and to make a nomination, please contact Logan Rainey. 

Submission to Wellington City Council on Golden Mile Traffic Resolutions

Today we presented an oral submission to Wellington City Council on the Golden Mile.

In short, we are concerned that requiring all service vehicles to apply to the Council for an authorisation for each time they require to access the Golden Mile will is not practical and will slow down Wellington’s productivity. You can read our written submission here for more detail.

Tauranga City Council Climate Action Investment Plan

Today we submitted on Tauranga City Council’s Climate Action Investment Plan. We supported the Council’s work to reduce emissions whilst highlighting the importance of balancing investment in alternative transport modes with preservation of existing roading networks to give more choice and flexibility. Find our written submission here.

Second Emissions Reduction Plan

Climate Commission has released its draft advice to inform the direction of the Government’s second emissions reduction plan, covering Aotearoa New Zealand’s 2026–2030 emissions budget. In case you didn’t know, Property Council made a submission on the first emissions reduction plan last year where we asked the Government to help educate the sector on how to improve energy efficiency in buildings and to provide more sustainable building products into the market.

The consultation on the second emissions reduction plan runs from 26 April to 20 June. Property Council will be making a submission with the help of our Environment and Sustainability Taskforce. If you are interested in joining our Taskforce, please email

Auckland Council Future Development Strategy

Auckland Council has released its Future Development Strategy consultation document. The proposal would seek most new housing and business development be in the existing city (prioritised over greenfield development). Here at Property Council, we are concerned about the potential impact on housing supply and affordability.

Auckland Council are hosting online sessions where you can find our more information by registering below:

Additionally, you can join our advocacy taskforce help shape Property Council New Zealand’s position by contacting Logan Rainey today. Consultation ends 4 July 2023. 

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment – Building Consent System

Last year, Property Council submitted on MBIEs review of the building consent system here.

This week, MBIE launched proposed options in response to feedback on New Zealand’s building consent system. These include: 

  • Strengethening roles and responsibilities; 
  • New assurance pathways; 
  • Better delivery of building consent services; 
  • Better performance of monitoring and system stewardship; and 
  • Better responding to the needs and aspirations of Māori.

The options paper also includes recommendations from the Commerce Commissions market study into residential building supplies. Namely, promoting competition and removing impediments to product substitution and variation.

You can join our advocacy taskforce to help shape Property Council New Zealand’s response to the consultation on Building Consent System by contacting Sandamali Ambepetiya today. Consultation ends 7 August 2023.

Author | Katherine Wilson

As Property Council’s Head of Advocacy, Katherine is tasked with leading our advocacy campaigns at both a regional and national level.

Level-headed and engaging, Katherine has both a law degree from Otago University and an arts degree (majoring in politics) from Auckland University. With solid experience as a policy analyst and advisor in Wellington and Auckland, she has extensive networks and solid analytical skills.

Katherine is hugely dedicated, highly intelligent and committed to ensuring the voice of our members is heard at all levels of governance. She’s also relentlessly positive and enjoys a good chat.

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