Leonie Freeman: Passing the reins

New committees kick off for 2022

As of Monday, Property Council’s new governance committees have officially kicked off their 2021/22 tenure. Encompassing the National Board, National Events Committee, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, New Zealand Council of Retail Property and the Auckland, Central, Wellington and South Island Regional Committees, these dedicated volunteers are the backbone of the Property Council.

The core purpose of these entities is to help steer our strategic direction, whether from an advocacy or events perspective or as a wider business. Regionally, our committees help shape our local advocacy projects and events programme, while our National Events Committee help develop the programme for our national conferences and the Diversity and Inclusion Committee spearheads our D&I initiatives.

Members are at the heart of everything we do and our committees are an integral part of Property Council’s governance. I want to extend my gratitude for their valued contribution and wish you all the best for the coming year.

To see our current committees click here.

The Property Industry Awards go online

With news the Government’s COVID-19 protection framework would prevent large-scale in-person events until we get an orange light, it is with much disappointment that we were forced to make the Property Council New Zealand Rider Levett Bucknall Property Industry Awards an online event, cancelling the much-anticipated Gala Dinner for 2021.

We have done everything in our power to bring this event to you in-person, but unfortunately these are the times we are living in and the Awards Ceremony will now be delivered online on Wednesday 24 November.

All booking contacts have been contacted directly and we are in the process of providing refunds and minimising committed costs as much as possible. Of course, the silver lining to this change of plans is that you can now get your whole team involved in the event, with prizes for best décor and best dressed up for grabs via Instagram. 

While the move to an online event is disappointing, it in no way diminishes the importance of recognising outstanding projects and we are very much looking forward to celebrating the best of the industry in a couple of weeks’ time.


Ngā mihi nui.

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