2022 advocacy round up

As I sit down to write the advocacy round up for the 2022 year, it is difficult to fathom the work the team has done in the last month, let alone an entire year! The word “busy” comes to mind, but perhaps at times a combination of “full-on” and “organised chaos” would be more appropriate.

This year, we have made 43 submissions (with five more currently in progress!). We have submitted on Annual Plans, District Plans, the first Emissions Reduction Plan, Fire and Emergency legislation and Build to Rent. We have had almost 300 stakeholder meetings with Local government, Central government, MPs, Ministers and key stakeholder groups.

Inside the tent

Property Council has shifted our advocacy style, with a new focus on working constructively with central and local government “inside the tent”, where we have become known for our practical and clear advocacy advice.

We have acknowledged when Central and Local Governments have done a good job and have pointed out areas for improvement. We encourage early engagement to resolve issues before they become public, and we remain unwavering towards our purpose, goals and outcomes we want to see for all New Zealanders. Namely – cities where communities thrive.
A significant proportion of our stakeholder meetings have been at the request of Central and Local government, particularly when they are considering a policy or legislative change. This means we are involved in the decision-making process early on, can provide practical input from our members on what the ‘problem’ is and suggest proposed ‘solutions’ before it becomes public.

Early engagement with Government has seen us get wins in several workstreams including the Building for Climate Change programme, FENZ legislation, Build-to-Rent legislation, LIM hazardous report changes and Wellington City Council Sludge Minimisation Plan.

Our practical feedback has consequently seen us become the go-to organisation for both Central and Local government to connect with when considering a policy or legislative change. The downside of this is we are being invited to comment on almost everything related to property and must be extremely disciplined on where we focus our efforts. The upside is, we have clear focus from our members through our member surveys and continued support moving towards 2023.

Member survey results

Every year, we undertake an advocacy member survey. This helps the advocacy team be disciplined on where to focus our advocacy efforts for the coming year.

Our November 2022 survey showed our key workstreams will remain the same with a core focus on the environment, resource reform, CBD intensification and local government. A snapshot of the results can be seen below – showing the consistent importance of our workstreams for our members.

Towards 2023 and beyond

With over 800 pages of fresh Resource Management legislation, the Local Government Review Consultation and expected environmental changes to the Building Act in the pipeline early 2023 will be very busy indeed.

In addition, we are looking forward to doing more advocacy webinars (something that has proven very popular) and travelling across New Zealand to provide more verbal updates on what the team has been doing in each region.

Ngā mihi / thank you

A huge thank you to the advocacy team – Logan, Sandamali and Denise who have worked tirelessly for our members by writing submissions, presenting submissions, meeting stakeholders and getting the inside information about what is coming down the pipeline. Forming relationships is critical in this role and there is no team quite like ours.

Lastly, thank you to our members and those involved on our national board, advisory board, regional committees and member taskforces. Your comments and feedback on how policy decisions impact your organisation on a practical level are absolutely critical for our feedback to decision-makers. Having member involvement with practical examples of why change is necessary can more than often be the point of difference that gets us a win for the property industry.

If you wish to be involved in our advocacy member taskforces for 2023, click here to see a list and who to contact to become involved.

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday.

Author | Katherine Wilson

As Property Council’s Head of Advocacy, Katherine is tasked with leading our advocacy campaigns at both a regional and national level.

Level-headed and engaging, Katherine has both a law degree from Otago University and an arts degree (majoring in politics) from Auckland University. With solid experience as a policy analyst and advisor in Wellington and Auckland, she has extensive networks and solid analytical skills.

Katherine is hugely dedicated, highly intelligent and committed to ensuring the voice of our members is heard at all levels of governance. She’s also relentlessly positive and enjoys a good chat.


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