Submission on the Christchurch City Council’s Long Term Plan 2021-2031

Property Council generally supports the Christchurch City Council’s Long Term Plan 2021-2031 and makes the following recommendations:

  • Investigate alternative funding and fundraising mechanisms to curb unnecessarily high rates increases in the future;
  • No reduction to investment currently planned, and consideration of increasing the funding to ChristchurchNZ;
  • Amending the water infrastructure proposal to include consideration of the Three Waters reform work programme;
  • Investigate incentive structures to encourage more Cantabrians to use public transport in line with the recommendations to reduce emissions;
  • Further rationalisation of services to increase efficiencies and benefits at community facilities; and
  • Consideration of further disposals if they do not meet the requirements the Christchurch City Council expects of council-owned assets.
Read the full submission


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