Rotorua Lakes District Council Long-term Plan 2021-31 submission

Property Council recently submitted on the Rotorua Lakes District Council Long-term Plan 2021-31.

We made several recommendations, including:

  • Consider alternative options for the stated rates increase to ease the funding burden on ratepayers in the post-COVID-19 recovery
  • Maintain the Uniform Annual General Charge (“UAGC”) as it currently stands
  • Consider alternative funding tools, such as user charges, targeted rates, public-private partnership, asset recycling and special purpose vehicles (“SPVs”)and asset recycling to successfully deliver the CAPEX programme
  • Explore alternative funding tools, including targeted rates, public-private partnerships(“PPPs”), special purpose vehicles (“SPVs”), asset recycling to ensure there is no burden on ratepayers to cover the costs and to successfully deliver the CAPEX programme
  • Take on more debt to help deliver the CAPEX programme, while keeping rates, fees and charges at a reasonable level
  • Continue working with Property Council to develop the Development Contribution Policy to ensure fairness and equity of charges for all.


Read the full submission



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