Property Council today submitted on the proposed changes to the Hamilton District Plan as required under the National Policy Statement on Urban Development.
Overall, we support intensification and believe that if done properly, it will result in great outcomes for Hamilton.
We recommend the following:
Managing growth
National Policy Statement on Urban Development criteria analysis:
- Review the map of proposed areas for intensification to include additional locations (e.g. Melville, Peacocke, Amberfield);
Greenfield developments:
- Ensure that the plan for intensification is coupled with the plan for greenfield development;
Urban design
Mixed-use developments:
- Take a balanced approach to mixed-use developments (e.g. not every commercial building has to have a café on a ground floor, particularly given current hospitality industry constraints);
Role of good design:
- Consider a wider range of options for intensification (than just a mid-rise option for locations outside of the central city area, as proposed by the Council);
- Take a balanced approach to ensure innovation can occur to reach good design outcomes supported by a practical and time-critical urban design advisory panel;
Intensification and land covenants
- Consider different typologies to address issues of regional sprawl (see also the need for greenfield developments above);
Parking requirements
- Consider options to address a lack of short-term parking in the central city area;
Natural environment
- Apply a robust methodology when reviewing Significant Natural Areas;
Culture and heritage
- Take a targeted approach when considering what is heritage to enable more intensification while making sure appropriate sites and buildings are protected;
Pipes and roads
Infrastructure capacity
- Ensure that the link between zoning for intensification and provision of supporting infrastructure is clearly stated in Plan Change 12;
Walkable catchments
- Define a walkable catchment in the context of Hamilton;
- Explore options to unlock more opportunities for intensification in areas served by water taxis;
- Ensure there is an option to review walkable catchments if a site has good qualities for development with little effects on neighbours, but outside of Council’s walkable catchment);
Additional comments
- Review the proposed timeframe.