On 28 April 2023, Property Council submitted to Wellington City Council on their Draft Annual Plan 2023/2024.
Why it matters to our members
The Draft Annual Plan 2023/24 outlines the direction of Wellington City Council for the next twelve months and will influence outcomes across Wellington. It is important that decisions made by the Council have fair and equitable outcomes for the private sector.
Our view
While we were supportive of the proposed Annual Plan, we noted our concern regarding the continuation (of extremely high) business differentials and believe alternative funding and financing should be explored for the Council’s 2024 Long Term Plan to ensure fair and equitable outcomes for the business sector.
At a high level, we recommended that Wellington City Council:
- Discuss with Greater Wellington Regional Council the effects that their rates increase will have on Wellington businesses and the vibrancy of Wellington’s City Centre;
- Consider alternative funding methods such as targeted rates and special purpose vehicles to help reduce the business differential in next years’ Long Term Plan; and
- Work with Johnsonville business community in determining what the targeted rate is, and geographic boundaries for the Business Improvement District.