Property Council submission to Tauranga City Council on their Long-term Plan 2024-2034

On December 15 2023, Property Council submitted to Tauranga City Council on their Draft Long-Term Plan 2024-34, Draft Development Contributions Policy 2024-25 and Draft Revenue and Finance Policy 2024.

Why this matters to our members

Property Council advocates for the creation and retention of a well-designed, functional and sustainable built environment. It is important that the voice of the property sector is heard when it comes to Tauranga’s future budget and direction for the next ten years, as Tauranga City Council decides how much rates to collect and where to invest in the years to come.

Our view

Our submission supported numerous elements of the proposed Long-Term Plan, such as the preferred approach to the Community Stadium or the proposed introduction of development incentives for the CBD. However, we are extremely concerned about the proposed approach to increasing rating differentials and to introduce a new industrial property rating category. We urged Tauranga City Council to ensure fair and equitable treatment for commercial and industrial ratepayers.

Overall, we recommended Tauranga City Council:

  • Does not introduce a separate industrial property rating category, instead retaining the status quo (Option 2);
  • Commence a staged reduction of the business differential until either removed or reduced to an equitable level over the next three long-term plans (nine years) and replace it with alternative funding mechanisms that are fairer and more equitable;
  • Adopts their preferred community stadium, ‘Option 1: Staged implementation’;
  • Adopts ‘Option 2: No targeted rate and continue with the assumption that Te Tumu will be developed and that costs will be recovered through development contributions (status quo)’ and explores the future implementation of a localised targeted rate or IFF levy, to supplement development contributions;
  • Enact development contribution incentives for the city centre and closely align with the framework that has been implemented in Hamilton CBD;
  • Adopt ‘Option 1 Investigate ‘SmartTrip’ through a business case investigation’, and engages with the property sector to ensure effective implementation plans;
  • Make greater use of alternative funding and financing models for investment in infrastructure that supports development (both citywide and local) to supplement development contributions; and
  • Adopt the proposed changes to development contributions for retirement village units and aged care facilities.
Read the full submission


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