Property Council submission to Hutt City Council on their 10 Year Plan 2024-2034

On 2 May 2024, Property Council submitted to Hutt City Council on their 10 Year Plan 2024-2034.

Why this matters to our members

Property Council advocates for the creation and retention of a well-designed, functional and sustainable built environment. It is important that the voice of the property sector is heard when it comes to Lower Hutt’s future budget and direction for the next ten years, as Hutt City Council decides how much rates to collect and where to invest in the years to come.

Our view

Overall, Property Council was concerned that some of Hutt City Council’s proposals, including the significant increases to development contributions, would not see the development community in Lower Hutt thrive. We recommended that Hutt City Council:

  • Supplement development contributions with alternative funding and financing tools to reduce cost pressures;
  • Pursue a city and regional deal with central government to contribute towards funding regional infrastructure; and
  • Adopt Option 2 for funding growth infrastructure in which part of the Council’s growth-related capital expenditure would be funded through development contributions and financial contributions, and the remainder from another funding source, such as rates.
Read the full submission

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