Property Council submission to Hamilton City Council on their Long Term Plan 2024-34

On April 19, submitted to Hamilton City Council on their Long-Term Plan 2024-34.

Why this matters to our members

Property Council advocates for the creation and retention of a well-designed, functional and sustainable built environment. It is important that the voice of the property sector is heard when it comes to Hamilton’s future budget and direction for the next ten years, as Hamilton City Council decides how much rates to collect and where to invest in the years to come.

Our view

Property Council sympathizes with the financial challenges facing Hamilton City Council and acknowledges upward pressure on rates and debt. To address these financial challenges, and help alleviate pressure on ratepayers, we recommend making use of alternative funding and financing tools, as well as pursuing a city and regional deal with central government.

We recommended that Hamilton City Council:

• Implement alternative funding and financing tools for infrastructure;
• Pursue a city and regional deal with central government to fund Hamilton’s infrastructure;
• Expands the Business Improvement District, in alignment with the proposed delivery of the walking and cycling bridge;
• Retain the existing two hours of free parking in the central city; and
• Engages with Property Council regarding the upcoming rates review.

Read the full submission

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