Property Council submission to Christchurch City Council on their Long Term Plan 2024-34

On 19 April 2024, Property Council submitted to Christchurch City Council on their Long Term Plan 2024-34.

Why this matters to our members

Property Council advocates for the creation and retention of a well-designed, functional and sustainable built environment. It is important that the voice of the property sector is heard when it comes to Christchurch’s direction for the next ten years.

Our view

While we understand that Council is operating in a tough economic environment, we were concerned that some of the Council’s proposals, such as the vacant site differential, could negatively impact businesses and property owners in Christchurch. We asked that Council be transparent on the impacts on such issues, specifically given that one of the Council’s strategic priorities for 2022-2025 is building trust and confidence in the Council through meaningful partnerships and communication.

At a high level, we recommend that Christchurch City Council:

•Investigate city and regional deals as an alternative source of funding;
•Commissions an independent report to analyse the rating differential and its economic impact;
•Discontinue the vacant site differential and not extend this to the commercially zoned areas of New Brighton, Sydenham and Commercial Banks in Linwood Village; and
•Outline information relating to the impacts of the vacant site differential since its implementation.

Read the full submission.

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