Property Council submission on the Wellington City Proposed District Plan

On 12 September 2022, Property Council submitted on the Wellington City Proposed District Plan.

Why this matters to our members

Property Council advocates for the creation and retention of a well-designed, functional and sustainable built environment. These policies will shape the future built environment of Wellington for generations, influencing outcomes across the entire property sector eco-system.

Our view

While Property Council supported the majority of the proposals, we made several recommendations, namely:

  • Amend the walkable catchment in the City Centre zone to a 15-minute walk (i.e., 1200 metres);
  • Specify the starting point for the City Centre walkable catchment zone as it is currently unclear;
  • Increase the wind test requirements (i.e. to 22 metres) to allow for a buffer to the newly proposed minimum building heights and residential maximum heights;
  • Include the natural hazard overlays (i.e. flooding, fault rapture, tsunami and coastal) on the Council’s LIM reports;
  • Introduce incentives for large developments that can demonstrate a City Outcomes Contribution (such as priority consenting); and
  • Amend the proposed District Plan to incorporate a whole-of-system approach to the reduction of emissions by considering a place for private vehicles (such as EVs), freight and transport movement strategies and encouraging sustainable building designs.
Read the full submission.

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