Property Council submission on the draft SmartGrowth Strategy 2023-2073

On October 20 2023, Property Council submitted on the draft SmartGrowth Strategy 2023-2073. This is the proposed 30–50-year urban development strategy which sets the strategic vision and direction for the growth and development of the western Bay of Plenty sub-region.

Why this matters to our members

Property Council advocates for the creation and retention of a well-designed, functional and sustainable built environment.  It is critical to have a SmartGrowth Strategy with a robust vision for the future of the Bay of Plenty, that addresses our region’s current challenges around housing supply and affordability while also giving the property sector the confidence to make long-term investment decisions.

Our view

Property Council broadly supported the direction of the draft SmartGrowth Strategy. Moving forward, it is important to develop alternative approaches to funding and financing infrastructure for the region. We are also of the view that there are further refinements to the strategy that should be considered.

At a high level, we recommend that SmartGrowth:

  • Undertakes work to further refine the ‘transformational shifts’ for change;
  • Ensures a flexible approach to future land supply (residential and business) that accounts for changing variables;
  • Develops viable and alternative approaches to funding and financing for growth-related infrastructure; and
  • Coordinates and collaborates with Future Proof in the Waikato.
Read the full submission 

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