On 23 October 2024, Property Council submitted to The Department of Internal Affairs (“DIA”) on proposals for regulations for natural hazard information in land information memoranda (“LIMs”).
Why this matters to our members
The proposals will make information on natural hazards provided in LIMs clearer for our members.
These proposed regulations have been drafted to support local authorities implement changes to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act. These changes are due to come into effect on 1 July 2025.
Our view
Property Council supports the intention that LIMs information on natural hazards is provided in a consistent, clear, concise and easy to understand manner. We support the intention that the onus remains on the property buyer to undertake their own risk assessments and limit local authorities’ liability.
At a high level, we recommended that:
- As part of the implementation, DIA provide examples of good practice to territorial authorities and technical consultants.