About this submission
- This submission responds to the issues and questions raised in the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Funding Review: Consultation Document.
- The key question the Government is seeking to answer is how to best split the cost between those who would benefit, given the different level of benefit they receive from FENZ.
- This submission provides an overview of why a currently used insurance-based method is not fit-for-purpose, why Government should consider alternative options that best split the cost for a better provision of FENZ services.
- This submission also covers additional factors that could be built into the model and recommends agencies that could be responsible for collection of levies.
Property Council position
- Property Council supports a strong fire service and the need for it to be properly funded through a fit-for-purpose funding scheme.
- Property Council opposes the current FENZ insurance-based levy model as it is inequitable, inefficient and unsustainable long-term.
- Property Council recommends moving towards a non-insurance-based funding model which would charge levies on the basis of the expected risk and level of use of the services.
- A new funding regime should also include a clear definition of the beneficiaries and cost exacerbators to ensure fair contribution to delivery of the FENZ’s services.
- Other improvements, such as adjustments for risk-mitigations incentives, historical demand for the service and charging individuals for specific services could also be built into a new funding model.
- The proposed funding regime would enable a better funding process that would enable provision of the fire and emergency services that New Zealanders need and expect.