With draft legislation set to be released in October, how the future resource management system will operate is almost a daily question we receive from Property Council members.
Want to be kept in the loop?
Why not join Property Council New Zealand’s Resource Management Taskforce?
This is a group of passionate members who get together to discuss the proposed changes and will help form Property Council New Zealand’s advocacy position on the upcoming Spatial Planning Act, Natural and Built Environment Act and Climate Change Adaptation Act.
Please contact Katherine Wilson to join the Taskforce.
Online information sessions
Alternatively, the Ministry for the Environment are running a series of webinars to raise awareness of what the future resource management system will be.
These will take place on the following dates (click to register):
Thursday 8 September
2:00 – 3:00pm
Thursday 15 September
3:30 – 5:00pm
Tuesday 20 September
1:00 – 2:30pm
Wednesday 28 September
10:00 – 11:30am
Author | Katherine Wilson
As Property Council’s Head of Advocacy, Katherine is tasked with leading our advocacy campaigns at both a regional and national level.
Level-headed and engaging, Katherine has both a law degree from Otago University and an arts degree (majoring in politics) from Auckland University. With solid experience as a policy analyst and advisor in Wellington and Auckland, she has extensive networks and solid analytical skills.
Katherine is hugely dedicated, highly intelligent and committed to ensuring the voice of our members is heard at all levels of governance. She’s also relentlessly positive and enjoys a good chat.