What will our future resource management system look like?

The Ministry for the Environment has released a discussion document on our future resource management system. The discussion document indicates that the Spatial Planning Act will mandate regional spatial planning through a governance structure consisting of central government, local government and iwi.

But where is the private sector?

Property Council recommends that the private sector be included in the governance structure to ensure that the proposed outcomes within regional plans can be practically implemented, are feasible, while also deliver and achieve the proposed 30-year targets.

Alienating the private sector from these discussions would see decisions made based on theory, rather than practical implementation. We see it as imperative that those with experience in the practical adoption of the system, be involved in its governance.  

Over the past 12 months Property Council, alongside the Employers and Manufacturers Association, and Infrastructure New Zealand have been engaged in stakeholder feedback with the Ministry for the Environment, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Internal Affairs and Treasury on the proposed new resource management system. Having remained positive and solution-focused when lobbying for changes over the past decade, it is disappointing to see the private sector effectively shut out of the system’s future governance structure.

Submissions on the proposed future resource management system are due on 28 February.

Contact Sandy for further information or to contribute to the submission.

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