Commercial rent relief has been top of mind for many in our industry during this last lockdown. Below details a timeline of Property Council’s interactions with the Government on this critical topic for our industry.
We are happy to provide more information on any of these items.
17 August 2021
New Zealand is placed into Alert Level 4 lockdown
18 August 2021
Property Council reached out to the Minister of Justice, Kris Faafoi, to provide him with a briefing on the complexities of the commercial lease issue and offering our support.
24 August 2021
Finance Minister Grant Robertson is quoted as saying:
Asked about commercial rent support, Robertson said the Resurgence Support Payments - which can be up to $21,500 - can be used for anything including fixed costs such as rent.
Many commercial leases also included the "unable to occupy" clause in the contract, but Robertson conceded that some didn't, and the Government could step in if level 4 continued for an "extended period".
"We will continue to look at our options in that regard."
25 August 2021
Property Council sends a communication to Minister Faafoi offering assistance if any work is undertaken on commercial leases.
28 September 2021
The Government announces plans to amend the Property Law Act to insert a clause into commercial leases mandating rent relief in a period of lockdown.
read more29 September 2021
Property Council writes to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (cc. Minister Faafoi) co-signed by 24 of our Industry Leaders.
read our letter30 September 2021
Property Council releases data from its largest property owners that indicates more than $320 million in rent relief has been provided to tenants since March 2020. This survey was later expanded to the wider membership, with 200 respondents indicating over $650 million in rent relief had been provided to vulnerable tenants.
read more4 October 2021
Property Council submits in opposition to the Government’s quick-fire changes to the Property Law Act as part of the COVID-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Bill.
Respondents are given less than four days to submit.
read more6 October 2021
Property Council provides an oral submission to the Select Committee on the COVID-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Bill.
read more13 October 2021
Meeting between Ministers Kris Faafoi and Poto Williams, Leonie Freeman and Scott Pritchard (National Chair, Property Council) to discuss the surprise bill and make clear Property Council’s position and availability to help provide property industry expertise.
15 October 2021
The Finance and Expenditure Committee releases its report, making no changes to the proposed Act.
Read more18 October 2021
Letter to Minister Faafoi from Property Council following our meeting with him confirming our willingness to work on the content of the Bill with Ministry officials.
2 November 2021
The COVID-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Bill receives Royal Assent with a couple of tweaks around proof of economic loss and arbitration.
Read more4 November 2021
Letter to Minister Kris Faafoi confirming our availability post the Bill passing to provide input and industry expertise
13 November 2021
Property Council commenced drafting of its Draft Industry Operational Guidelines.
Consultation period between 15-17 November.
18 November 2021
Property Council releases its Draft Industry Operational Guidelines for Determining a Fair Proportion of Rent.
Download the guidelines