Cosgroves appoints specialist sustainability engineer

Joe Quad has joined Cosgroves as a specialist sustainability engineer, meaning that his focus will be on embedding sustainable practices throughout the organisation’s projects and internal operations.
Graduating with a BE Mechanical from Concordia University in 2011, Joe worked as a mechanical/hydraulic consultant while building his knowledge of sustainability engineering. During this time, he achieved accreditation as a LEED Green Associate and Certified PassivHaus Designer. LEED Green Associates are internationally recognised for their comprehensive knowledge and expertise in sustainable design. Joe proved this capability in his contribution to projects such as the Clayton Heights Community Centre; Canada’s largest facility to achieve PassivHaus Certification. Joe also completed his assessment to become a Green Star Accredited Professional, making him an invaluable asset to any project seeking Green Star certification.
By appointing Joe as a dedicated sustainability engineer, Cosgroves are able to work with clients and architects throughout planning and design to minimise cost and maximise effectiveness.
RDT Pacific prepares for the next 80 years

RDT Pacific is proudly approaching 80 years in business and has announced several changes to its leadership team.
Gordon Hassett will be stepping down from the Board to focus on the Capital Intelligence arm of the business and RDT are pleased to announce that David Bridgman has been appointed as an Independent Director and new Chair of the Board.
David joins RDT Pacific having retired from PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) where he was a partner for 22 years specialising in Corporate Finance and Strategic Advisory services. He also served on the PwC Board for four years. David has outstanding knowledge of the industry and has worked with several of RDT’s clients.
After 20 years at the helm of RDT Pacific, Chris Ellis will be stepping down as Managing Director, but will remain an important part of the company as a Director and to guide the team through the succession.
RDT are delighted to announce that Mike Rendall will be taking up a new role as CEO of RDT Pacific. Mike joined the company in February 2017 and brings a wealth of commercial, construction and engineering experience to the role. With his collaborative and personable leadership style Mike is well placed to lead the organisation into the next phase of its journey.
Baha Mabruk joins JLL’s Wellington office
JLL have announced the appointment of Baha Mabruk as a Sales and Leasing Broker in their Wellington office.

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