Member Webinar | The Future of the Industrial Sector: Is there a cliff end?

The industrial sector has proven its resilience over 2020. Join Simon Woodhams, Chief Executive Officer of PFI and Andrew Hay, GM Commercial and Industrial at Stride Property, and MC Chagalle Ellis of PwC, as they discuss the growth of the industrial sector, the catalyst for such success, and their predictions for the future of the sector.

In this session, you will hear Simon and Andrew’s perspectives on:

  • The current state of the industrial sector, and what is driving growth
  • What does the future look like for the industrial sector, is this a case of boom and bust?
  • How the global pandemic has impacted the sector
  • How ways of working changed within the industry and what influence this may have on developments/projects moving forward
  • Featuring the Waste Management HQ case study – Supreme winner of the Property Council New Zealand Rider Levett Bucknall Property Industry Awards 2020!


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