Leonie Freeman: Recharge and reset

Somehow it feels like the Easter break couldn’t have come at a better time.

With most of New Zealand still in the grips of peak-omicron outbreak, people are busy, juggling the demands of normal work and life with the added workload that comes with covering for absent team members.

The same is true in the Property Council office. The advocacy team are particularly busy, with eight submissions currently being consulted on, including Annual Plan and District Plan submissions across Aotearoa. Meanwhile, we are starting to receive an initial response to the NPS-UD as local councils strive to meet the August deadline for implementing the new Housing Supply Amendment Bill.

To put this workload in perspective, in 2021 our fellow industry member organisations made 8-12 submissions to government. Property Council made 38.

This level of output is extraordinary, and acknowledging the efforts of our small team in not only delivering these submissions, but extensively consulting with our members and supporting each submission with a thorough stakeholder management plan. The truth is, anyone can write an angry letter to a Minister, but it takes time, resource and mutual respect to build relationships that influence change.

Like many, we’ve waited with bated breath for last week’s traffic light announcement and are very pleased to confirm that Property Council events will be going ahead at Orange of the COVID Protection Framework. Watch this space for further announcements.

Finally, thank you to those members who reconfirmed their commitment to Property Council by investing in us for the next 12 months. It is a pleasure to continue to support you, and our industry.

Ngā mihi nui.

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