That’s right, forget Weetbix, it’s feedback that fuels champions.
With over 500 member companies that employ more than 10,000 individual members we receive a lot of feedback, but filtering the majority-view can prove difficult.
That’s why every year Property Council reviews our advocacy priorities, gathering feedback and data through a member survey. This is an opportunity for you to tell us which advocacy topics you want us to prioritise for 2023.
With the general election right around the corner, it is more critical than ever that we focus on the issues that are most important to the sector. For the first time this year, we have also included a ‘state of the industry’ section within the survey. Over time, we aim to use this data to identify industry patterns and trends.
Thank you to the 100+ respondents who have already provided their feedback – if you are yet to complete the survey, please do so here by COB tomorrow.
Retail Conference welcomes over 350 attendees
As you read this, retail property professionals from throughout Aotearoa will be gathered at the Aotea Centre in Auckland for our first in-person Retail Conference since 2020.
The team and I are really looking forward to this event and wanted to extend a sincere thank you to our event sponsors, speakers and attendees. Keep an eye on our LinkedIn page and Hono for updates throughout the event.
New recruits and a familiar face
It is a great pleasure to introduce two new (and one not-so-new) faces to the Property Council team with the appointment of Kayne Franich as Membership & Sponsorship Manager (commencing 7 November); Louise Cooksey as Events Administrator and Naomi Read as Digital Communications Advisor.
Kayne joins us from the EMA, where he has spent several years in the member services space, while Louise came from offshore where she worked in events and administration. Naomi, meanwhile, will be a familiar face to many as she previously held the role of Office and Events Coordinator at Property Council from 2015-2019.
We are very excited to now have a fully resourced team and look forward to getting to know our new crew and seeing the impact of their mahi over the coming months.
2023 conferences now live
With only two months left of 2022, two of our major 2023 conferences are now live with early bird rates – the Residential Development Summit on 9 March and the Green Property Summit on 10 May.
Early bird pricing closes on 9 December 2022 and 10 February 2023 respectively, so please do book early to make the most of the discounted rates as tickets to both events have sold out quickly in the past.
Wishing you and your team a stress-free wind down to the year – please make sure you say hello as I visit the regions for each of the Property People Awards over the coming weeks.
Ngā mihi nui.