Leonie Freeman: Disaster vocab

It’s funny how disasters bring a whole new language into mainstream vocabulary.

In post-quake Christchurch it was ‘liquefaction’ and ‘red stickered’, the latter of which has seen a renaissance in recent weeks as Auckland bore the brunt of ‘unprecedented’ (there’s another one) rainfall and flooding.

My thoughts are with those who found themselves fighting against rising floodwaters in their homes and businesses – I too faced disruption, being evacuated from my home before being allowed to return. My thoughts are with those who are grieving, whether it be for people, pets, or property. As insurers count the cost of the Auckland floods, I encourage you to be patient and follow the sage advice of the Insurance Council as we are told it may be years before all of the claims are processed and settled. Kia kaha.

On a brighter note, I wanted to personally congratulate Mike Zorbas, who was recently appointed as Chief Executive of the Property Council of Australia (PCA), taking the helm from Ken Morrison after eight years as CEO and 25 years as an employee. We have an excellent working relationship with PCA and have been fortunate to work with Mike previously in his role as Group Executive of Policy and Advocacy and look forward to further enhancing this relationship in the future – congratulations Mike.

Ngā mihi nui.

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