Dunedin Future Development Strategy workshops

The Dunedin City Council and Otago Regional Council are jointly developing a Future Development Strategy (FDS) for Dunedin in partnership with mana whenua and supported by Waka Kotahi and Kāinga Ora.

The FDS is a requirement of the Government’s National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD). The FDS needs to be ready in time to inform our next 10-year plan, which is being considered next year. The FDS must then be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary to inform future long-term plans.

More information on the FDS is available here.

To assist with development of the FDS the Council are holding a series of workshops across Dunedin in late April and May to engage with the community, see below.

Please RSVP here should you wish to attend.

Please note that the central city workshops will focus on how we accommodate anticipated growth across the city, including both housing and business land needs. The local workshops will focus more on anticipated growth in and around those communities, what infrastructure is required to support that growth, including how to support sustainable transportation choices. The workshops in outlying townships and settlements will also focus on building resilience within those communities, including resilience to natural hazards.

The central city daytime session is specifically geared toward property, planning, and development professionals and the business community, however, community members are welcome to attend any sessions.

If you have any questions, please contact DCC at fds@dcc.govt.nz.

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