Resource Management Review Panel recommendations welcomed by the property sector


The property sector, through its professional body Property Council New Zealand, welcomes the Review Panel’s recommendations to reform the Resource Management Act, with chief executive Leonie Freeman saying the RMA has held back the development of our cities for far too long.

“New Zealand is simply not building enough, quickly enough, and with the quality and innovation needed to service its growing and changing population,” says Freeman.

“The legal framework in which the wider planning system operates is hampering New Zealand’s prosperity while not providing the right protections to the environment.

“Currently, the resource management system focuses on the maintenance or management of resources. As a result, this favours the status quo over the needs of the built environment. We believe the future system should aim to streamline implementation and provide clear delivery of outcomes, enabling sustainable growth and opportunities for our communities to thrive.

“We support the recommendations by the Panel to create a new separate piece of legislation called the Strategic Planning Act. However, the devil will be in the detail as to how Spatial Plans will be integrated and implemented across the country.

“It is important we get this right in order to achieve outcomes of better integrated planning and infrastructure provision as well as associated funding and investment. Now more than ever, public and private sector leadership is important to drive a collaborative approach to planning.

“Over the last couple of years, the Property Council has been working collaboratively with other members of Resource Reform New Zealand (a collective of industry bodies that includes the Environmental Defence Society, Infrastructure NZ, the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) and Business NZ) to push government on leading an overhaul of the RMA.

“Today marks a win for Resource Reform New Zealand and the beginning of a nation-building opportunity that should lead to enhanced environmental and social wellbeing outcomes for all New Zealanders,” says Freeman.



For more information please contact:
Kelly Taylor | Head of Communications | 021 5757 02 |


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