Our Regions

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Property is Auckland’s largest industry, contributing $12b to the regional economy. Nationally, property makes up 15% of New Zealand’s gross domestic product (GDP).

Over the last few years, the Auckland Regional Committee has focused on ensuring the Auckland Unitary Plan reflects the Auckland Plan’s aspirations of a quality, liveable, compact city. The success of the Unitary Plan will be judged by the quality of its implementation.

We need streamlined consenting that enables the feasible development of accommodation, amenity, facilities and transport that will ensure that Auckland remains a liveable city. We need appropriate and sustainable infrastructure funding that supports alternate transport and keeps the city moving. The Auckland Executive continues to work closely with central and local government to ensure that the Auckland and Northland regions keep moving and growing sustainably.

If you want to be a part of what we are doing, please get in touch. Strength in numbers creates positive change and ensures we continue to move forward.

Martin Cooper

Cooper & Associates
Auckland Regional Chair

2023/24 Auckland
Advocacy Priority

In the regions, our regular projects include Long-term Plans, Annual Plans, District and Spatial Plans, rates differentials and development contributions. In addition to this, each Regional Committee also choose one priority to focus on for the year, with Auckland’s being:

"A region that plans for its future – focused on building existing and new communities that are supported and connected by sustainable investment in infrastructure and transport."

Regional Events

Regional Committee

The Auckland Regional Committee assists the Property Council team to formulate our local advocacy strategy and plan member events and initiatives in the region.

Local Government
Briefing Paper

The Local Government Briefing Paper has been produced in advance of the 2025 Local Government Elections to provide candidates – many of whom are unfamiliar with the property industry – with a simple guide to the challenges faced, solutions available and potential impact for their city or region.

The document outlines five key workstreams: 

  1. Foster stronger relationships with the property sector 
  2. Improve local government funding and financing 
  3. Fairer investment in infrastructure 
  4. Connect regional planning and transport; and 
  5. Increase housing supply and improve consenting. 

Singing off the same song sheet nationwide also helps ensure consistency across our national and regional advocacy workstreams. It is a working document that will evolve over time as policies are announced and issues arise, with the current version available for download by members upon logging in here. 👉

This content is for members only

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Nominate your team!

Friday 8 November 2024
The Hilton Auckland

The Auckland Property People Awards celebrate and recognise the people behind the projects in the greater Auckland region.

Nominations for the Auckland Property People Awards are now open – book your tickets and nominate your team today.

Recent Submissions


Property Council submission on the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission’s ‘Testing our thinking: Developing an enduring National Infrastructure Plan’ discussion paper

On 10 December 2024, Property Council submitted to the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission on their Testing our thinking: Developing an enduring National Infrastructure Plan discussion paper. Why this matters to our members This is important to our members as it informs future government action on implementing a 30-year National Infrastructure Plan and what planned investment is needed over the next 5-10 years. If the National Infrastructure Plan is appropriately supported, it will create greater pipeline certainty for the infrastructure sector. Our view We broadly support the aim to create greater pipeline certainty for the infrastructure sector. At a high level, we recommended that the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission: Adopts a robust, sustainable, and forward-thinking approach to infrastructure investments that strategically

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Property Council submission on the draft Ōtautahi Christchurch Future Transport strategy 2024-54

On 6 December 2024, Property Council submitted to Christchurch City Council on the draft Ōtautahi Christchurch Future Transport Strategy 2024-54. Why this matters to our members Property Council supports a transport system that connects communities, allows people to travel efficiently across regions, and enables the safe and efficient movement of freight. Our view A well-rounded transport system should unlock urban development opportunities through new housing and/or intensification. Transport investment is critical for reducing commute times, enabling new housing supply, increasing business productivity and reducing climate emissions. We believe that this joined-up approach is necessary and recommended that the strategy is revised to incorporate the importance of connecting urban development with transport to better reduce emissions. At a high level, we

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Property Council submission on Auckland Council’s Draft Southern Rural Strategy

On 29 November 2024, Property Council submitted to Auckland Council on their Draft Southern Rural Strategy. Why this matters to our members This is important to our members as it directs the long-term management of growth and development in the southern rural areas of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. It is a sub-regional spatial strategy, which complements the regional direction set out in the Future Development Strategy 2023-2053. Rural means all land outside the Rural Urban Boundary and includes all settlements in the full Franklin Local Board plus small adjacent areas of rural land within the Howick and Papakura Local Boards. All areas with current urban zoning and future urban development of the Drury and Pukekohe/Paerātā areas are also included in the

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Contact Us

Help champion the Auckland property industry

Property Council has several dynamic and engaged member taskforces and committees, who provide insight and support our team with a range of initiatives. These groups are ever-changing and are open to all members.

We also have numerous opportunities for sponsors to partner with us to produce and support local events.

Please contact your Regional Manager for further information:

Tasch Dodson

Auckland Regional Manager

022 088 2724