
Fast-track your learning and outshine the competition with a comprehensive baseline property education.

Learn first-hand from industry leaders

Power up your expertise with workshops developed by property leaders for New Zealand property professionals!

We see you.
You want to be not just GOOD at your job, but GREAT at it.
You want to work collaboratively with stakeholders and understand their demands and motivations. 

👉🏻 What drives property values?

👉🏼 What is the development pipeline?

👉🏽 How do you go about leasing a commercial property?

👉🏿 What’s the secret to sustainable, profitable retail development?

There’s just one thing standing in your way:
You don’t have time to level-up your core knowledge in areas outside of your current expertise…
…or do you?


🚀 Introduction to Property

🚀 Property Development Fundamentals

🚀 Property Management Fundamentals

🚀 Property Valuation Fundamentals

🚀 Leasing Fundamentals

🚀 Retail Property Introduction


Do you have a topic or area of property that you would like to learn more about? Drop us a line to add it to the list of potential content.

Upcoming Courses

🚀 9AM-4:30PM | 14 OCTOBER 2024
How does a valuer calculate the value of a property?
🚀 9AM-12PM | 18 OCTOBER 2024
What does “good” health and safety look like in practice?
🚀 9AM-4:30PM | 21 OCTOBER 2024
​​​​​​​Think the development process starts when the shovel meets the site?
🚀 9AM-4PM | 4 NOVEMBER 2024
New to property or looking to improve your basic industry knowledge?

Supercharge your career with professional development crafted by industry leaders just for you!

Our comprehensive programmes are meticulously crafted by industry leaders to hone your leadership capabilities and amplify your industry expertise. 

DevelopU provides professional development experiences to increase technical knowledge, leadership capabilities and industry expertise for the New Zealand property industry.

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