Advocacy in Action | July 2024

Advocacy at the Beehive

Meetings with MPs are an important part of Property Council New Zealand’s government relations work programme. It’s a way for us to share our story, the challenges that the property sector face, and inform decision-makers on legislative or policy ideas on how to resolve and improve the sectors challenges

This week, Leonie, Denise and Katherine headed to Wellington for several MP engagement meetings from across the parliamentary divide. We were hosted by Hon. Kieran McAnulty, Spokesperson for Housing to speak to the Labour Party Caucus on Housing, Build to Rent, and Consenting. We also provided an overview of the development process, the make-up of our membership and Property Council’s purpose statement – Together, shaping cities where communities thrive: Whakarite taone e ora ai ng ā hapori.

Last month, Property Council’s engagement extended beyond the walls of Parliament and into Spark Arena, where our Property Industry Awards hosted Hon. David Seymour, Hon. Chris Bishop, Hon. Chris Penk, Hon. Kieran McAnulty, and Auckland’s Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson. It was a fantastic night and proved a great opportunity for our members to connect with Ministers, MPs and decision-makers

Having a wide range of members who are passionate about solving the property sector’s challenges help elevate the work of Property Council’s Advocacy team. Our National Briefing Paper has clear solutions that have been crafted in partnership with our Member Advocacy Taskforces. Being an apolitical, solutions-focused, organisation is critical for establishing Property Council as a trusted advisor.  

Below are some photos from the past month of MP engagement: 

Build to Rent: Overseas Investment Amendment Bill

Denise Lee shares the latest on the Overseas Investment (Build-to-rent and Similar Rental Developments) Amendment Bill that establishes a new residential consent pathway for overseas investors.

If you want to stay at the forefront of all things Build to Rent, then please join our Build to Rent taskforce by contacting Denise Lee, Advocacy Consultant for Property Council New Zealand.

Read our submission.

We’re also hosting a Build to Rent Essentials Course on Friday 23 August, drawing on the best expertise and practices from New Zealand professionals at the forefront of developing the Build to Rent sector – this workshop will keep you and your staff primed for action.

Seismic Strengthening Taskforce - Workshop

Property Council is looking to develop solutions for the challenges facing the industry in the seismic strengthening space. On Friday 26 July, we are holding a workshop with Seismic Strengthening Taskforce members to test ideas and gather feedback.  

We will cover topics such as:  

  • The NBS rating system: keep, ditch and what could be next?   
  • The vexing issue of uncertainty (how do we ensure final calls are final calls?)   
  • Financing upgrades: what’s the incentive?  

If you would like to come along, please get in touch with Sandamali: This is also the first time our Seismic Strengthening Taskforce is getting together so it is a great way to meet/reconnect with your peers in the industry. 

Earthquake-prone building system review begins

Earlier this month, the Government published the terms of reference for the review of the earthquake-prone buildings (EPB) system.

The review is now underway and will look at the way New Zealand manages seismic risk in existing buildings.

Property Council will be following this review closely and will be engaging with MBIE along the way, providing feedback from our members when we can. For more information on the review, please click here.

Proposed changes to the Seismic Assessment Guidelines for Non-Earthquake Prone Buildings

Engineering New Zealand is asking for feedback on proposed changes to the Non-Earthquake Prone Buildings (EPB) Seismic Assessment Guidelines. 

Over many years, Property Council and the property sector has been speaking out and striving for consistency with NBS ratings. We are concerned on the timing of the consultation, given the Government’s wider work programme on seismic related issues is occurring concurrently.

Property Council will be completing a high-level submission on this consultation and welcome any feedback from members.

Please get in touch with Sandamali if you would like to read our draft submission (once completed):

Author | Katherine Wilson

As Property Council’s Head of Advocacy, Katherine is tasked with leading our advocacy campaigns at both a regional and national level.

Level-headed and engaging, Katherine has both a law degree from Otago University and an arts degree (majoring in politics) from Auckland University. With solid experience as a policy analyst and advisor in Wellington and Auckland, she has extensive networks and solid analytical skills.

Katherine is hugely dedicated, highly intelligent and committed to ensuring the voice of our members is heard at all levels of governance. She’s also relentlessly positive and enjoys a good chat.

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